American Life Caribbean Mission Inc.

All donations are tax deductible. All funds go to the needs of the mission.There are no salaries paid to board members or those who assist the mission. Each donation amount whether small or large can change the life of even one person.
We have a hands on approach with frequent on site visits to the Jamaican organizations we support.This definitely sets us apart as a charity and is a standard we placed in our organizational bylaws for incorporation. We are a 501(c)3 public charity.We believe integrity is a key component for handling donated funds.
Donate Online
You can give online by clicking the Donate button below. Secure donations via PayPal.
You can also give by check. Make checks payable to American Life Caribbean Mission.
Mail to: PO Box 2853, Durham NC 27715.
Current Donation Opportunities
Jamaica Medical Students (JAMSA)
The University of the West Indies
Operation Restoration Christian School
Boys Town